Events at the Department of Biology
11.03.202512:00 - 12:30Promotionsvortrag: „The role of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Kinase 5 in Fibrotic Tissue Remodelling“
19.03.202515:00 - 15:30Promotionsvortrag: „Monocyte phenotypes and their contribution to intestinal wound healing“
24.03.202515:00 - 15:30Promotionsvortrag: „Inhibiting αEβ7-Dependent T Cell Co-Stimulation in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Target Evaluation and Efficacy Assessment of Etrolizumab Surrogate Beyond α4β7-Blockade.“
28.03.202514:00 - 14:30Promotionsvortrag: „DCIR1 as a Modulator of Humoral Immune Responses“
31.03.202510:00 - 10:30Promotionsvortrag: „Die Charakterisierung eines hochgradig kolitogenen intestinalen Mikrobioms und seiner immunmo-dulatorischen Eigenschaften in einem Modell der chronischen Darmentzündung“