Events at the Department of Biology
13.01.202513:00 - 13:30Promotionsvortrag: „Deciphering the Role of NFATc1 in Allergic Asthma: A Molecular and Immunological Perspective focusing on CD4 and CD11c Cells“ Promotionsvortrag:
16.01.202514:00 - 14:30Promotionsvortrag: „Investigating the role of StFKF1 in tuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum)“
17.01.202510:00 - 10:30Promotionsvortrag: „Analysis of the ontogeny and function of the heterogeneous Dendritic cell network across the murine tissue landscape“
20.01.202513:00 - 13:30Promotionsvortrag: „Die immunregulatorische Rolle des Transkriptionsfaktors PU.1 bei nicht-kleinzelligem Lungenkarzinom“
20.01.202514:00 - 14:30Promotionsvortrag: „Immunological modes of action of combinations of radiotherapy with hyperthermia“
22.01.202514:00 - 14:30Promotionsvortrag: „HiPSC-Podocytes as a tool to study patient-specific alterations and test therapeutic targets ex vivo“
22.01.202518:00 - 20:00JobInsights live für Life Sciences: Studierende fragen, Alumni antworten
29.01.202514:15 - 17:15Kollegiale Departmentleitung Biologie